Monday, August 17, 2009

Jack Jaws

So, another classic from the caique forum to share. This is Jack, who is a rescued bird and has terrorize many of his new mommy's favorite people, like her son. They discovered that preening Jack helped a LOT: he was so ticked off from molting when he came. Still, no one is safe. There's a linen closet in the home where there are some nice comfy blankets piled, and Jack found them this week and claimed them for his own. This is what happened when daddy Mark did not respect Jack's new space and privacy. Enjoy--with the sound up, please!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Stuck like glue!

If Pippin doesn't want to stop interacting with us lately, there's not a whole lot that we can do! See how he sticks like glue to us as we try to put him down by watching Sarah's demo: